Bicyclist distracted by cellphone

It has been a while since I last posted, the video below is from 2019.

It has been a while since I saw distracted bicycling like this.

It has reached that point where a dash cam, a rear window view cam won’t be enough, you need side view cams now to protect your self from these dangerous bicyclists.  The anti-car bicycle lobby now has pals in high places after being shut out during the Walker administration.

Some may wonder why I get these dangerous bicyclists on video, it is so there is proof that these bicyclists exist.  They don’t seem to give a damn about their own safety for some reason.


Really? Are drivers going around looking for pedestrians to hit?

As of this post no one has shared that sensational post. Of course the report doesn’t include what happened on each of those 49,340 killed. Of course I won’t be virtue signalling here so I won’t be surprised if others are offended.

The anti-car lobby has this idiotic notion of if you don’t see it their way or talk the way they like, they don’t care what you have to say. Well I have news for others out there, they don’t care what you have to say PERIOD. Stop bending over backwards ( or would that be forward or maybe both? ) to the anti-car lobby bullies, stand up to them.

Otherwise moving on…

A lot of hysteria and blaming drivers again like usual. The anti-car lobby chicken little’s are screaming the sky is falling again.

I will list what won’t fix the problem: complete streets does not create safe streets, you the user create safety, complete streets will not prevent stupidity from pedestrians, bicyclists, or drivers, ‘smart growth’ polices won’t fix any thing, vision zero, more like zero vision, crossing flags, installing flashing lights at cross walks that take away critical thinking, and any other foolish utopian visions.

Federal state local policies and standards, are a major public safety issue, such as the dangerous pedestrian right of way law.

Looking both ways is not even suggested, it is PEDESTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT AWAY! Which is incorrect, they don’t have 100% right of way at all times, which is another public safety issue.

Education relating to when pedestrians do or don’t have the right of way is another public safety issue.

Jay walkers have to yield to motor vehicle traffic, pedestrians aren’t educated about that. It is clear that education is needed for pedestrians, bicyclists, and any other non-driving activities.

But they don’t want to do that, there is no money to be earned doing it that way. Go ahead and keep trying the dumb way that ends up in failure ( unnecessary deaths ) every time, which is educating drivers only.

Many Pedestrians are unable to navigate across the street, why is that? Do we really need crossing guards to get people across a damn road? It would create jobs, maybe the anti-car lobby can use their time to help others instead of bash drivers.

These anti-car lobby activists are never happy until they get you out of your personal vehicle. The vulnerable user law passed in Wisconsin makes my point. They always want more more more, they are never happy with what they have.

It really would be nice if these anti-car lobbies would take these points in to consideration. Many of these points I made are observations. Some others out there should be able to notice these issues and likely end up with nearly the same conclusion. The anti-car ones won’t due to conformist echo chamber group-think.

Likely this will all be dismissed and labeled a ‘windshield point of view’ by the anti-car lobby.

4th of July Bicyclists no lights & example of why pedestrians get hit at night

This footage is all from the 2018 4th of July.  I finally got around to editing it.

I do this to break the bicycle lobby ( and anti-car lobby ) narrative that these bicyclists and pedestrians don’t exist.  All of the ones in the videos below endangered themselves.





Why are you anti-bike!?

Why are you anti-bike!?  You don’t like bikes! You don’t like cyclists!  You don’t like people who ride bikes.  The guilt list could go on.

The bicycle lobby,  and their zombie activists that blurt out the very same talking points,  get old fast.  They use these talking points to shut you up ( it is almost the same as calling their opponents as racists ).  When that doesn’t work they get out of it by saying I’m not going to get in to an argument.  Of course the bicycle lobby/advocates don’t run on logic or commonsense,  they play on peoples emotions,  and use dishonest tactics/bully to get what they want.


Another favorite of mine is that bicyclists think they pay more taxes, than people who only drive.  If you believe that you are beyond stupid,  the math just doesn’t compute logically, or economically.

If we were to ban every motorized vehicle from the road ways,  the amount of waste that would be created would be astronomical.

The loss of jobs would be the likes we have never seen,  this would affect more than just the USA economy,  the world economy would be unrecoverable.

If bicycles were to be banned off the roads for good,  there wouldn’t even be a ripple in the economy,  that is how little bicycles add to the economy,  or the tax coffer.

If you want a good laugh,  go buy a used copy of Bikenomics.




Pedestrian deaths rising…

I saw a article posted by the wisconsin bike fed about pedestrian deaths rising.  It appears none of them can figure out why.

I can tell them why it is happening.  Pedestrians are getting stupider because of pedestrian right of way laws.  Pedestrians think they can walk any damn place they want, jaywalk anywhere anytime they want.  Walk right down the middle of a dark road in dark clothes….all while the anti-car lobby comes to these stupid peoples rescue and blames the motorist for the pedestrians error.

What is disappointing about the article is that it seems like it is pointing the blame on motorists,  when pedestrians & bicyclists are not educated about the rules of the road, or staying safe.

Bring back looking both ways before stepping in to the road and crossing is the only way to get close to ZERO,  but these activist anti-car groups just refuse to see that.  They would rather continue to blame motorists.

Just to add, NO! Bike Fed,  complete streets aren’t going to change anything!  Complete streets doesn’t educate pedestrians,  or bicyclists, nor will complete streets extend outside the city limits!

Bicycling not as popular as the bicycle lobby says

The bicycle lobby says bicycling is so popular yet thousands of bicycles have been left behind at Burning Man.  If thousands of these people decided to give up bicycling on the spot then bicycling is not as popular as the bicycling advocacy groups make it out to be. Scrap them all and use it to make something that will actually get used and add to the economy.  Examples would be farming equipment,  or more motor vehicles.


Pedestrian hit in a crosswalk analysis

The real big factors in this are that it was dark and raining hard which reduces visibility quite a bit.  Even without the hard rain,  when the roads are wet it soaks up the light from your headlights,  unfortunately those that look at this fatality from a bicycle point of view or pedestrian point of view will never understand this.

Those that look at it from a windshield point of view the bicycle lobby won’t be happy with you.  We can’t have biased, or partisan investigators instantly blaming someone because that person is driving a motor vehicle.

When you are riding your bike, or walking in the dark when it is raining don’t ever assume you are seen.  It is commonsense to look both ways before crossing in combination with right of way laws.

Unfortunately looking both ways before crossing wasn’t cool any more and it was replaced by “you have the right of way” with no education on how to use it.  No utopian bill or law will fix these problems,  until non-drivers are educated on how to cross the road safely, how to ride a bicycle safely and any other non-driving activities.


Bicyclist riding on sidewalk that has no bicycles allowed symbol

I caught a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk in downtown Manitowoc, Wisconsin,  which was clearly marked as no bicycles allowed on sidewalk according to the symbol on the sidewalk.  How does one miss that no bicycles allowed symbol?  Here are the cities bicycle regulations.

I blame this on educating the motor vehicle driver only system.  Every time something bad happens to someone on a bicycle,  emotions take over at these bicycle advocates and it filters down to the people following them,  often causing people/investigators to jump to conclusions. 

Which in turn the cities/towns often start attack driving instead of thinking logically. All that emotional thinking that makes people react irrationally, and usually the results end up exactly the same every time which ends with an injury or even worse a fatality.



Wisconsin’s contradictory laws, bicycle as a vehicle is now questionable.

The laws are an incredible mess here in Wisconsin,  there are so many loopholes, and laws that contradict other laws,  it makes one do a “double take.”

Recent issues over a bicycle crossing have many confused.  A bicyclist has the same rights as a pedestrian ( dismount off your bicycle, and walk it across, than you are a pedestrian ).  Yet recently an opinion column from Dave C from the Wisconsin Bike Fed, titled:

“Right to the road”  and than this right below: “bicyclists are entitled to ride where they choose”  later in the article stating that: “a bicycle is legally a vehicle like a car or truck”

  alright now we have a problem,  since now bicyclists are granted the same rights as a pedestrian,  when will this contradictory idiocy stop!? ( hopefully not through more of the usual political correctness, to shutdown debate! )   How does this help bicycling & the bicycling community, not to mention the bicycling communities image?

The goal of the bicycle lobby

From what I understand the bicycle lobby wants to bring the Netherlands dutch type of bicycling here where motorists are made to be subservient to bicyclists.  This won’t work any where in America,  mostly due to cyclists bad arrogant attitudes towards those that drive a personal motor vehicle.

They think if they can change the meaning of words that they can trick everyone out of their personal vehicles and on to a bicycle.  Who in the hell wants to go BACKWARDS,  transportation wise, & go back to a bicycle ( bicycles are for children, and these adult cyclists act like a children too )?  Who the hell actually wants to ride a bicycle in rain, snow, sleet, fog, storms, hail, in heat & humidity, and pedaling up hilly roads,  that isn’t a pretentious stuck up trendy hipster?

Bicycling is not a good use of ones time either,  anyone that has actual things to do likely isn’t going to choose a bicycle to go grocery shopping, or pick up drywall, plywood, or have a load of (4) 38 pound boxes of cat litter, which would be 152 pounds of cat litter to be exact.  Do people really want to try this on a bicycle,  especially in above mentioned weather!?