The goal of the bicycle lobby

From what I understand the bicycle lobby wants to bring the Netherlands dutch type of bicycling here where motorists are made to be subservient to bicyclists.  This won’t work any where in America,  mostly due to cyclists bad arrogant attitudes towards those that drive a personal motor vehicle.

They think if they can change the meaning of words that they can trick everyone out of their personal vehicles and on to a bicycle.  Who in the hell wants to go BACKWARDS,  transportation wise, & go back to a bicycle ( bicycles are for children, and these adult cyclists act like a children too )?  Who the hell actually wants to ride a bicycle in rain, snow, sleet, fog, storms, hail, in heat & humidity, and pedaling up hilly roads,  that isn’t a pretentious stuck up trendy hipster?

Bicycling is not a good use of ones time either,  anyone that has actual things to do likely isn’t going to choose a bicycle to go grocery shopping, or pick up drywall, plywood, or have a load of (4) 38 pound boxes of cat litter, which would be 152 pounds of cat litter to be exact.  Do people really want to try this on a bicycle,  especially in above mentioned weather!?

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